Sunday, September 25, 2011

Weekend Science

The scientific activity I participated in is a Cross Country meet at Downers Grove.  Cross Country is a sport of acceleration and speed, which are scientific units of measure.  It begins at the start line, all the runners line up in their boxes.  A man fires the gun, once this happens I have to use acceleration and surge.  The beginning is not a full sprint, but not a slow jog either.  After the first 200 meters or so, I slow down and have to find the right pace.  Speed is a big part of this race, the faster my pace is the shorter my finish time will be.  Cross country is all about pace and acceleration, the shortest time wins.

Around the 2nd mile I will have stomach pains and will feel sick.  Once I reach 200 meters and am nearing the finish line, I sprint.  This takes acceleration, speed, energy, and endurance.  The length of the race is another metric unit in science.  The time it takes for me to get from one place to another.  In this case it's the start line to the finish fine, or 3 miles.  This week my race time was 22:15.  That is alittle more than 7 minutes per mile.  Not too bad, but I'm always trying to improve my time.

There are other physiological factors that how well I do in a Cross Country race.  Things like how well hydrated I am, how much and what kind of food I've eaten in the past day, and how much rest I've had during the past week, and if I've trained effectively at practice all leave me feeling energetic or not.  Weather conditions like heat, humidity, or rainy conditions have an impact on how fast I run.